News Release/For Immediate Release
From: Annette McMichael
SAFE Media Coordinator 217-273-1000
Shawnee National Forest at Risk From Fracking
On March 6 a federal judge lifted a 17-year-old order that blocked oil and gas drilling in the Illinois’ Shawnee National Forest. Richard Blume-Weaver, a planning and resources staff officer at the National Forest, confirmed that there has been interest in oil & gas leasing. Ultimate approval will rest with the federal Bureau of Land Management.
SAFE (Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing our Environment) takes a strong stand against drilling in the National Forest and is outraged by the oil and gas industry’s latest maneuver.
The Shawnee National Forest, one of 155 national forests, is composed of 260,000 acres and includes many wilderness areas, wildlife refuges and wetlands. ‘We consider this a slap in the face by the oil and gas industry to the people of Illinois who cherish The Shawnee National Forest,’ Said SAFE Steering Committee Member, Annette McMichael. ‘We will be following events closely and coordinating SAFE’s efforts with many environmental groups around the county who believe our national forests belong to the people, not the oil and gas industry. We intend to shine a national spotlight on industry’s latest attempted land grab.’