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SAFE Featured in Ad to Governor Cuomo of NY

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is in Charlotte today, but he’s getting a message in the local newspaper here from an anti-fracking group back home in New York.  SAFE is one of the groups listed at the bottom.

Gannett Albany Bureau Chief Joe Spector tweeted this full-page advertisement earlier this morning that appears on 19A in The Charlotte Observer, urging Cuomo not to approve the controversial natural-gas extraction method hydrofracking.

Cuomo has not said whether the state plans to allow high-volume hydrofracking in parts of upstate New York where natural gas is believed to be especially rich. But a report from the state Department of Environmental Conservation is expected later this year, possibly after the November elections.

But the governor may have some backing from members of his own party, including his old boss, former President Bill Clinton.

In the well-received speech at the Democratic National Convention last night, Clinton praised President Obama’s “all of the above” energy policy:

“The President’s strategy, which he calls “All of the Above” works, too. The boom in oil and gas production, combined with energy efficiency, has driven oil imports to a nearly 20-year low and natural gas production to an all-time high. And, renewable energy production has doubled.”
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