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News Release: Massive Fracking for Oil May Begin Soon in Central & Northwest Illinois

News Release/For Immediate Release

March 27, 2013

Written & Submitted by: Annette McMichael, Communications Director for SAFE                      217-273-1000

Massive Fracking for Oil May Begin Soon in Central & Northwest Illinois

According to a recent press release from Stata-X Energy the first well to appraise the potential for high-volume horizontal fracturing (fracking) profit in the Vail Oil Project is set to begin this spring .  The Vail Oil Project covers a large area in the Central to Northwest part of Illinois.  Fracking uses high volumes of fresh water, sand and toxic chemicals to release gas or oil in shale.

Strata-X commenced acquiring 100% net working interests in oil & gas exploration in two un-named counties and has acquired an interest in over 46,000 acres. Strata-X will not release the exact location until a permit has been granted from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Illinois People’s Action Leader, Bill Rau, states ‘Illinois could end up with a double whammy that combines the worst of North Dakota Bakken oil with Pennsylvania Marcellus shale gas.  Full throttle development of both of these extreme energy sources will yield significant and adverse public health outcomes, environmental damage of the first order, and wrenching economic dislocations brought on the boom town-ghost town economic cycle that haunts resource extraction economies.’

Although HB 2615, a regulatory bill for high volume horizontal fracturing (fracking), is currently being discussed in Springfield, Strata X Energy makes no mention of waiting until regulations are in place. It appears that they plan to move ahead without regulations, based on their March 17 press release.

SAFE (Southern Illinois Against Fracturing our Environment), and many other environmental groups support a bill that places a 2-year moratorium on fracking while scientific studies are completed (SB1418). Numerous studies have pointed to health and safety issues that are of concern. Massive use of fresh water and storage of toxic waste are also hotly debated topics.

Read the Strata-X Press Release HERE

Read the Strata-X Presentation HERE


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