“Frackademia” By Law: Section 999 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 ExposedSep 4, 20131 min read “Frackademia” By Law: Section 999 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 Exposed (via Desmogblog)With the school year starting for many this week, it’s another year of academia for professors across the United States – and another year of “frackademia” for an increasingly large swath of “frackademics” under federal law. “Frackademia” is best…
“Frackademia” By Law: Section 999 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 Exposed (via Desmogblog)With the school year starting for many this week, it’s another year of academia for professors across the United States – and another year of “frackademia” for an increasingly large swath of “frackademics” under federal law. “Frackademia” is best…
The Danger of Radioactive Contamination From Fracking in Southern IllinoisFor a printable copy of this document, click here The Danger of Radioactive Contamination From Fracking in Southern Illinois ●In both...